Knit Night February 28th!

What can I say???? It was another AWESOME, WILD and CRAZY knit night!!!
This was the week for Suzanne and Denise to be with us and we were all glad to see them!
Lot's of knitting and hooking going on and some GREAT projects by the Knit Wits!! I took NO pictures of actual knitting (although one shot of Ashleigh frogging)......maybe next week I'll get actual knitting pictures!!
We ran out of chairs last night...what a WONDERFUL problem to have!! WE HAD 17 , count them SEVENTEEN ladies last about some TALKING going on!! LOL!!!
Bibby suggested musical chairs so we can all have an opportunity to visit with everyone!!!
In no particular order.......and apologies to those that I failed to get a picture of!!!

Uhhmmm, you ladies look very posed and innocent....what were ya'll up to prior to this???? LOL!!

Now THIS Is a GREAT shot!!!

And another great shot!!!
Such nice Knit Wits and Chicks With Sticks!!
THESE ladies appear to be having more fun than your average "hooker"!!
Ashleigh took a dip in the Frog Pond with her sock!!

Oh my....Denise looks great...I look....OLD and WORN out...oh wait....I AM old and worn out!! LOL!!!
Already looking forward to next week at Matzos!!!!!!!
Knit Knight

Looking forward to seeing ewe tonight!!!
Bring your baaaaaaaaad ass to Knit Knight or else........
Another Knit Night and NEWBIES!!
Because I brought my camera, sat it on the table and promptly forgot all about making pictures at Knit Night last night..... I bring you THIS picture.Now.....if that doesn't give you Spring Fever I don't know what will!! (or panic that swimsuit season is almost here).....I could DIVE in right now!! I made this picture several years ago...these were the steps leading down to a boat ramp in Cozumel.....and the water truly is as blue as the picture portrays it!!! Just amazing!!!!! On to knitting news:We had Ashleigh and Leah joining us for the first time last night!!! What a WONDERFUL addition they are to the group!! You are both ours now of course!!! LOL!!Ashleigh brought a fantastic scarf out of some Patons soy wool self striping yarn that was INCREDIBLY soft and oh so CUTE!!! (Which I plan on making a picture of it next week). The scarf was crocheted in the cutest alternating semi-circle pattern!! Leah joined us having come straight from her Flamenco classes, promptly pulled out her knitting and fit right in!!! An INCREDIBLE hat that she created from her own design.....and a scarf to match for a charity auction.....I SO hope the auction isn't before next knit night so I can get a picture!! A VERY big congratulations to Kristi who recently found out she is pregnant and you know what this means.........BABY KNITTING!!!!! The BEST kind of knitting!!!!! Just so very tickled for you Kristi!!!!!Sorry for the lack of knitting pictures.........already looking forward to next will be the week that Suzanne and Denise join us....already looking forward to seeing them both as well as those that were unable to attend last night!!!!
Looking For Something New To Knit?
I don't know what to think about
this! If you want to knit it, the
pattern is for sale, too!
...brings back memories of 6th grade science class...
Good Thing/Bad Thing About Knit Night and Location Change
The GOOD thing about meeting on Tuesday night this week is that we didn't have to wait so long from the last Knit Night......The BAD thing is that today isn't FRIDAY!!! LOL!!! I always feel like Thursday night is the jump start for the weekend!!Despite the deluge of rain we received (and needed)......we were tickled that Wendy and Suzanne made the trek to Trussvegas for knit night!! What is that saying about the post office.......neither rain nor sleet nor gloom of night????? These ladies have the post office beat hands down!!!We were also tickled to see Denise and Holly.....we weren't sure they would make it......sure glad to see you both!!! (Denise if you need anything while your mother is in the hospital PLEASE let us know)!!!!
All you ladies make Knit Night!!! It is so much fun to be able to meet once a week to "let our hair down" so to speak......oh the conversations and cutting up that takes place!!! Despite all the crazy conversations there WAS knitting going on....not that I have pictures to PROVE this...(insert mental pictures here). I am having "download" issues.....just gotta love computers!!!
I'll leave you with this imageHAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!Beginning next Week we will meet at Matzos Deli weekly. The plans at this point are to meet through the end of March at which time we will meet with the owners and see if there has been enough in attendance to make it feasible for them to continue to stay open for us. Matzos needs an average of 15 per week for dinner in order for this to work out. I hate to put pressure on anyone to buy dinner every week in order to guarantee our night at Matzos. I try to look at it as money well spent to have a comfortable place to knit....that is JUST FOR US!! isn't always convenient to eat out, (as crazy as that sounds, but TRUE).... so PLEASE do not let this keep you from coming to Knit Night! See everyone next week!!!
Two Groups Meet as One and Date Change

Matzos may never be the same again!!! LOL!!!
Chicks with Sticks and The Knit Wits met tonight at Matzos Deli for an AWESOME night of knitting, laughing, talking and enjoying some WONDERFUL food!!!! OH THE NOISE .....MUSIC to our ears!!!
(The poor owners probably thought they were in for an evening of serving a "quiet, sedate little group of knitters").....but I think he was pleasantly surprised when 20 women converged on his little shop.......knitting needles and yarn in hand (not to mention Cindy and her wonderful wheel).....and took over the Deli for the evening!!!
Great food and SOO tickled that the shop was opened exclusively for us!!!!
There were lot's of comfy chairs to curl up on and knit!!!
A LOT of phenomenal knitters and crocheters alike!!

We would like to welcome Kristi to our knit group. She is the coolest of cool........oh we have GOT to get glasses like these for our next road trip ladies!!!!! LOL!!!
LOVE these!!!!
Jessi joined us again this week (Yippee!!!)......Jessi gave us a demonstration of Navaho plying
on Cindy's wheel, and I believe was working with Holly on creating some custom dyed sock yarn.
Holly who is recuperating from surgery was able to stay for the entire evening....nice comfy chair, her bag of knitting and she was set for the evening....working on some VERY INTERESTING knitting!!! LOL!!!

A few of the Knit Wits! Cynthia (blue scrubs) is credited for getting everyone together...THANKS SO MUCH CYNTHIA!!! What a GREAT group of women!!!! I look forward to seeing them all again!!!

Wendy joined our group....I know it was quite a drive for you but we sure are glad you came and hope you can make it next week!! LOVE being around Wendy....always a twinkle in her eyes!!!
We discussed just how many extra bobbins should she buy for her Louet spinning wheel.........what did we finally decide.......32???? LOL!!!
Ohhh....the addictions we knitters have!! LOL!!!

Ahem........ LOL!!!!!!
This was the HIT of the evening!!!!!!!!!!

Our Sweet Ginger......always smiling.....Kristi casting on for a new scarf and looks like Kay and Marie are up to no good in the background....what are you two up to???? LOL!!!
AND....Thank you Cindy for getting some GREAT pictures!!!!

Thank you girls, you really are the best. I plan to start on these socks, while I am out recovering. However, the only thing that is going to save my sanity from going stir crazy is when Darlene comes to pick me up for tomorrow night. It is really amazing the difference you guys make. Thank you!
IMPORTANT UPDATE Matzos AND Valentine's Day.
Ladies,I need to let Matzos Deli know how many to expect from our group for this Thursday night. If you have NOT let me know , PLEASE let me know no later than Tuesday night!! I am to turn in a head count Wednesday morning!VALENTINE'S DAY: Valentine's day is on a Thursday this year. We need to decide if we want to plan to meet on that Thursday and go with whoever is available to attend......or perhaps reschedule for Tuesday the 12th?
Thanks so much for your feedback and look forward to seeing everyone Thursday night!!
Matzo's Update!!!!!
I need to get an approximate head count for this first meeting at Matzos deli. Please post a comment on this blog or send me an EM. You my EM me here:
I know that all the In The Making girls won't be able to attend the first and third Thursday of each month.
Thanks so much!!!
Test Post